Rachel Coley, MS, OT/L

Feeding Routines That Create Lifelong Connections

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Rachel Coley, MS, OT/L, is an Occupational Therapist specializing in early childhood wellness and development. Through her blog, her books and parent resources, Rachel supports families in confidently and playfully promoting their babies’ and toddlers’ best beginnings. Her professional expertise in early childhood neurodevelopment, sensory-motor development, feeding, Plagiocephaly and Torticollis (head and neck issues of infancy) collide with her personal experiences as a mother to bring fellow parents down-to earth, practical advice rooted in science. Rachel is passionate about encouraging parents to give babies ample opportunities for free movement and play from birth and to reduce the amount of time babies spend confined in baby gear.

Rachel's Free Gift: Rachel's Top 5 Tips for Feeding Your Baby
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