
Classes & Groups

Why Moving Matters

Sitting is the new smoking. And, yet, “sitting still” is the gold standard for good behavior in preschoolers? We continually design technologies to position and do and move for us. And, yet, we expect our littles to be more independent?

Everything we do, all that we be requires movement. Yet in our culture, starting as babies and lasting through the golden years, we don’t move the way we were designed. Nor do we nourish our body and brain with the movement required for optimal health and well being. The consequences are big:

  • Flat-head syndrome and asymmetry in babies (1 in 5!).
  • Higher-level motor skills not reached in 5-year-olds, a sign they won’t be accomplished at all.
  • Back pain in elementary students.
  • High and rising rates of depression, anxiety with all the secondary consequences in adolescents.
  • The skyrocketing incidence of metabolic disease, obesity, emotional health breakdown.

The list goes on.

We are failing at nourishing our bodies and brains with the movement required for optimal health.

Only 22% of children get the required amount of exercise per day. And, it’s worse with adults…18%. But, when we design public places with escalators next to stairs (or worse, hide the stairs), is it any wonder? I frequently see people line up to get on the escalator when the stairs are EMPTY! We are waiting in line to not move even more! Doesn’t that seem CRAZY?!?

But there are solutions. Many. And everyone can find one that works for them.

You do not need to be an Olympian triathlete to reap the benefits of exercise. You just need to be aware and to choose to move.

The brain and body work together

Behavior becomes biology. Form follows function. Our skeletons were designed to walk and run. Our brains were designed to feel, to process, to plan and execute, to problem solve, to create. The “soft-wired” integration of brain and body connections is plastic, malleable, adaptable, flexible. And we change the structure and chemistry of our brain DAILY!

If we neglect one part, the other will “feel the pain.” If we feed both body and brain what each need, we don’t just survive, we THRIVE! And, the change happens as soon as you DECIDE and ACT.

So, what happens when we DO move our bodies? When we do get outside? Just stepping outside and moving your body decreases your worry and anxiety. Even if you can’t directly control the circumstances around you, you can change the way you respond. Being outside helps you to get present in the NOW. You relax, you feel connected and nourished, integrated and whole. You feel FREE and, therefore, better equipped to respond.

What else happens when you move? Here’s what the research says:


  • Enhances learning capacity. 20 minutes of exercise where your heart rate is at 70-90% of its maximum increases your focus and learning capacity for up to four HOURS afterward. Just think what our kids could learn if PE were FIRST in the day. Before-school running/ninja warrior clubs come to mind. It’s NOT just about more hours in the classroom. Let’s be strategic, effective and efficient.         >>> Get your FREE JUMPSTART PE classes HERE
  • Boosts brain drivers! Exercise modulates and enhances the activity of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin in the brain, responsible for how we feel, think, adapt, problem solve, remember, move, and keep our brain structure HEALTHY AND GROWING. The benefits are dosage-dependent, but it ALWAYS begins with ONE STEP.
  • Improves your mood. This is a BIG one and I see it with myself, my husband and my children on a daily basis. My kids know to send me outside or to the gym when I start to “lose it.” And I know that when kid behavior gets “crazy,” outside time with them (combining movement, outdoors and quality time) is GOLDEN!
  • Increases your focus. Moms, multi-tasking is NOT something to aspire to. Sometimes it’s necessary, but it is not efficient and effective. Distractability isn’t just a “thing” for kids. Get some movement (dance, jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, jumpies, you name it) and then define a “Power 20!” Give yourself ONE task and do it for 20 minutes. Be amazed at all that can be accomplished in a short time.
  • Protects your brain. Just as pumping iron increases your muscle mass, exercise in the long-run increases brain growth, especially in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. These areas are essential for executive functioning and laying down memories. The more robust they are, the stronger foundation there is for any neuro-degeneration in the future. Do the work NOW and CONSISTENTLY. I know we all say it, but you really have nothing if you don’t have your health. Take care of you, because YOU is all you have. Get moving!
  • Launches you into high performance. You need (at minimum) 3-4 times per week of vigorous exercise, 30 minutes per session. BUT, even 5 minutes is better than NONE so as Nike says, “Just Do It!” Also, if you want to be a “high performer” in your life, increase that to 5x/week!

Exercise is the MOST TRANSFORMATIVE thing you can do for yourself TODAY. Of course there are other physical, emotional, and psychological pillars of health required for maximum performance, but NONE of them have such a PROFOUND, IMMEDIATE effect as exercise. Take it to heart, practice it over and over, and inspire your kids to do the same.

Move Play Grow, Move for Life, Play to Learn, Grow With Love, Kinesthetic Learning, Physiological effects of movement, Mental benefits of movement, Developmental coordination

What about the flip side?

When you don’t move, you limit your ability to participate (now and in the future); your heart strains to keep the blood moving; your muscles atrophy; you experience pain; your endurance plummets; your brain deteriorates; you are weak; you have trouble playing on the floor with your babies and grandbabies; you are frail and fragile, ready to break.

Of course that’s not YOU, though…Right? The problem is, you won’t recognize any of the above until it’s reached a critical point. And you certainly won’t see the difference between where you are today and where you could be unless you commit to moving vigorously and often.

A sedentary life is unhealthy. There is no way around it. And it’s certainly the outcome your children will face if the love of moving and participating and pushing their body to the limits isn’t ingrained from an early age. It’s never too late to start, AND it’s always easier the earlier it becomes a habit.

Get out and move!

You don’t need to be a fine-tuned athlete or rugged outdoors person. If it’s  like pulling teeth to get you out the door, it’s ok. Any type of movement can inspire and make a difference. You may need to dig a little deeper to find what lights you up, but I promise, it’s there. You have a body; it was designed to move, it wants to move, you just need to find what inspires.

And, sometimes you have to climb Mt. Everest of resistance just to reach the start. If getting going is your pain point, recognize that and create a no-back-door situation so you stop fighting an unnecessary battle. Save the battle for when your body wants to quit! And, know that will power is not enough. A plan with best intentions is not enough. You need accountability.

Find a partner who won’t let you back out. A class that will charge you if you don’t show up. Add your movement time in your calendar and star it as the MOST IMPORTANT meeting of your day. Do NOT cancel on yourself. (Side note: The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. If you cancel on yourself, you cancel on others, too.)

Make it fun and inspiring, think outside the box. Parkour, pole dancing, belly dancing, surfing, plyometric routine up and down your street (that was one of my favorite workouts in college). Meet a friend. Do it with your children and make it a game.

I was trying to inspire my 8-year-old son to do pushups. He didn’t want to. I told him I’d hold a plank until he finished them. I almost died holding that plank, and eventually, he pushed up 5 times and LOVED that he “saved” me! Laughter all over.

Oh, and if you laugh during your workout routine, you engage your core up to 40% more than doing core work alone! LAUGH A LOT!

Move Play Grow, Move for Life, Play to Learn, Grow With Love, Kinesthetic Learning, Physiological effects of movement, Mental benefits of movement, Developmental coordination

Bottom line, don’t overanalyze your resistance. Just take your first step and GO! Every time you conquer that resistance, you create a win. Every win builds confidence. Every repetition builds resilience and grit. Every time you move, your body comes alive, and isn’t that what it’s all about?

Create environments where movement is inspired. The more you and your children move, the more you receive the benefits of that movement. And, the more you move, the more you want to move. Let’s all get on the spiral upward.

And, here’s the thing. It’s not just about your kids moving. It’s YOU moving WITH your kids. You don’t need to be there 100% of the time, but what they want is connection with you. Love them by moving with them, participating with them.

If you happen to coach sports, create opportunities for parents to come out and play the last 5 minutes of practice. I’ve done this for a few years now and it is  SOOOOO fun. The only rule is that parents CANNOT talk. Their children get to lead and instruct and inspire and initiate the connection with YOU!

What if my child doesn’t want to move?

Sometimes I meet a family who talks about their easy baby (sometimes labeling “lazy baby”) being content sitting still and watching. Usually, mom and dad aren’t worried. They are grateful for the break. However, in the back of my mind, I wonder, what could be possibly going on with this baby that they don’t feel comfortable moving? Often, these are the kiddos who end up having some more overt challenges later on.

What to do? Don’t accept “Wait and See” as an answer. Don’t try to answer what’s going on with YOUR child by reading about other people’s children. Google casts a wide net, but it can’t go deep with you and your child. Everyone is unique and deserves to be seen as such. Schedule a screening or evaluation with a local pediatric physical therapist or occupational therapist. Get answers from the people who know infant and child development best.

Get Moving!

We are blessed to have bodies that feel, move, and connect. When we don’t move, we clog up our brain, our thoughts, and our emotions. Movement is essential to keep things free flowing. From day one until the day we say goodbye to this life, our body is our home. Honor it and give it what it needs. And then teach, show, and inspire your children the same.


Final Thoughts

If you want fun new ways to MOVE, I’m gifting you my JUMPSTART PE, Check it out HERE


The Importance of Tummy Time

Wendi was recently featured as an expert guest on, talking about the importance of tummy time! The podcast is a total of 30 minutes with the feature interview taking place after the initial discussion about an application called Alert ID. Click on the link below to listen! We would love any and all comments! Stay tuned for a video of a Tummy to Play Everyday class from Parent Savers, which streamed live at the Your Natural Baby Fair 2013!

The Movement Community

When Strides Physical Therapy embarked on the mission to provide wellness services to the general community in addition to therapy services to those in greatest need, we were extremely passionate about getting our message out. We felt we had so much great information to share from our studies and years of practice in the realm of pediatrics and movement development, but that information was not reaching a majority of families. We wanted to empower all families with greater knowledge about their growing babies and children, to provide information that sparked dialog and informed choices. And we especially wanted to reach the babies and children, who are ALL at risk for exercise deficiency, lack of motor proficiency, and sedentary lifestyles in our electronic, wireless, mobile world. We wanted to help bring some balance back into our lives to support a healthier future, one family at a time. Thus, Move Play Grow was born!

Play: 9 to 12 months

Babies at 9 to 12 months are really moving and grooving! They are in to almost everything and will likely be pulling to stand, cruising along furniture, and preparing to take those first few wobbly steps! This is also a bittersweet time for many parents (myself included) as you see your little baby vertical – even if holding on to something! Typically, by 9 months, babies are sitting unsupported and reaching for toys, crawling (tummy up or down) and by the end of this stage, babies are creeping, pulling to stand, cruising, and some may even be walking. Their ability to move in new ways (crawl, stand, even walk) makes it easier to explore and helps them make new discoveries.

Play: 4 to 6 Months

Play starts getting more fun since your baby is more alert and begins to become an explorer and investigator versus a passive play mate.  At this age, baby starts to move too and, from here on out, won’t stop!

A 4 to 6 month old baby is quite a charmer!  He loves to smile, make silly noises at you (or anyone for that matter), to babble, and starts using his voice to get a reaction!  This is also the time when physical development gets “rolling” at an amazing rate.  Baby begins to prop sit (with arms or support), push up more on arms in tummy time and begins to roll purposefully.  Reaching becomes more and more accurate since eye hand coordination has improved.  Baby will reach for anything (ask any older sibling) and likely put most any object into his mouth to explore it.  Moving an object from one hand to the next will soon follow.   Around this time, most babies begin to sleep better so parents get to come back from the land of Sleep Deprivation (even if it’s short-lived).  With so many big changes, how can you maximize your play with this amazing little one? Below are a few ideas organized by thinking of baby’s senses!

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Touch:  Baby will love to experience different textures on his hands, face, and body.  Try introducing toys, blankets, stuffed animals with different textures.  Try putting on simple white gloves and washing your baby at bath time.  It provides a different sensation and helps you hold on to a slippery baby!  Continue with naked baby time and body exploration.  Try playing games like “where are your toes?” and then touch his toes (either with your hands or his) and say “Toes!”


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Sight:  Baby is ready to check out all of the new colors he can now see.  He now distinguishes between new and familiar faces which may mean a bit more clinginess to his primary caregiver.  Make sure you point out things and talk about the environment surrounding him, encouraging exploration by holding him up on your shoulder.   Mirror Play in a variety of positions (tummy, supported sitting) to let him see himself is always fun.  Try “Baby, Do What I do!”  Make various facial expressions (open mouth wide, puff cheeks out, stick out tongue) and see if he tries to imitate you.  Peek-a-boo is a great game to play with you, siblings, toys, etc.  Baby will need help initially but, pretty soon, he will have this tricky game all figured out!

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Sound:  Rattles, maracas, and very simple cause and effect toys (with your help initially) will be quite fun for baby.  Shake a rattle behind your baby’s head and let him or her turn and grab it.  Baby still loves YOU the best so use your voice!  Make silly sounds and mimic his sounds . . . the sillier the better!  One of the cutest things I get to see these days are baby and his older brother “talking”! Make sounds for your baby.  Clap your hands (help him clap his too because this will happen very soon) and help baby bang two objects together.  Play music too.  What about “zerberts”?  Isn’t blowing on your baby’s chubby baby tummy the best?  In our house, that crazy sound always gets a laugh!  Remember, many sounds in the environment will be new and novel like a dog barking, bell ringing, music, etc.  so be respectful!

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Movement:   Dance with baby.  Hold your baby in different ways (tucked in front, tummy, side) than your standard and dance away, sing, smile – in front of a mirror is even better!  Or, make it a movement activity for the entire family!  Always check on baby every 30 to 60 seconds by “freezing” or “waiting.”  This gives your little one a break to let him process the new information and reset himself in a way.  Give baby plenty of time on the floor each day.  I know this can be difficult but this floor time is one of the most essential parts of development.  It is the perfect surface and the perfect time for baby to spend time on his tummy, back, supported sitting, rocking on hands and knees all to build strength and skill to progress toward rolling, crawling, and walking.   As this stage progresses, try and have baby equal time on all four sides of the body.

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Other Helpful Hints: To help your baby focus, put out only one or two toys at a time.  Be respectful of all that baby is learning and balance stimulation with plenty of quiet time.  And, of course, be respectful of baby’s cues that he needs space or a break.  Can you imagine having to learn so many things in such a short time?  So many things are new as they move, PLAY, and grow!

Enjoy the magic and the wonder!

Play: Newborn 0 to 2 months

Once established that your newborn baby (0-2months) is in an active-alert, ready to learn, ready to play state, what on earth are you supposed to do with her!?!?! In a one word answer, LOVE her! Touch her, hold and hug her, cuddle with her, sing to her, whisper sweet nothings, give LOTS of kisses all over. But…let’s also be realistic. Newborn babies are not awake that often, and when they are they are usually eating, pooping, burping, spitting up, being changed and/or bathed, changed again, and changed again. Is there time for all this LOVE? YES! Because the love happens during all the awake duties. Don’t think about it being extra, think of it as being a part of each task. Love is a journey, not a destination!
So, slow down, don’t rush through all the tasks, take time to observe and interact with your baby during all of it. Changing at our house routinely takes 15-30 minutes because of all the play on the table. Before you know it, playtime is over and it’s nap time again! And, please, though we all know that moms and dads are super-heros, try to take a nap when your baby sleeps. These first several weeks are often about survival, especially when up many times during the night. We also know if this isn’t possible…but give yourself permission and try :-). Always good to shoot for the stars, and have someone ELSE clean the house, do laundry and make dinner too :-).

Extra ideas to play with your newborn:
– Sing nursery rhyme songs or recite rhyming poems (from memory, refresh, or learn new ones).
– Talk about what you are doing at that moment in time, or tell a story about what happened during day or the plans for rest of day. Get VERY detailed. It will take a long time!
– Observe your baby’s facial expressions and copy them. Especially the mouth/lips/tongue. You will be amazed at what your baby can “say” to you through her mouth and you will start to learn so much about her.
– Read books and show pictures, black and white work best, but you can throw in some red too. Start with simple pictures and slowly get more detailed.
– Move slowly as you work around baby so she has a chance to see and track you from side to side with her eyes.
– Tummy time!! Near and dear to our hearts at Move Play Grow. Try chest to chest with you propped up closer to vertical than horizontal at this age. OR get down on floor and lay next to your baby about 10 inches away so she can see you best.
– Wear your baby and go for a walk to get out.
– Be quiet and still. Being awake, babies are taking in even the most mundane things that we take for granted. No need to over stimulate by shaking rattles and toys in their faces, moving and bouncing all the time. Allow some “down” time too.
– Mix it up.

Most importantly, get to know your baby: observe, learn, internalize, journal (write stuff down…you think you will remember everything, but you won’t), and love her. There is NO ONE else in the world like your baby and definitely NOTHING like the unique relationship you have with her. Cherish it!

A Big 2012 Thank You

As the end of the year approaches, we wanted to wrap up by letting you know just how much our little Move Play Grow endeavor has grown . . . in more ways than one! The first Tummy Time Class was held in April 2011, one time per month. The growth in 2012 is something of which we are proud of and excited to share. Here are some highlights:

We hosted over a dozen Tummy to Play Everyday Classes at multiple locations and multiple times per month. We enjoyed a partnership with Babies in Bloom (Vista), finally became part of the education series through Parent Connections (classes to begin January 2013), and now offer Saturday classes in Solana Beach.

Throughout the Spring and Summer, we spoke at 3 different FREE parent education workshops (JW Tumbles Carmel Valley, El Camino Pediatrics) as well as were featured speakers at a San Diego Birth Network meeting.

In June, Move Play Grow was born and a special website and Facebook Page dedicated to baby wellness launched. We have had so much fun adding information to both on a variety of topics.

The Move Play Grow Family literally grew by two as well! In July, we welcomed Rachel’s son, Colton, and in October, Wendi’s son, Kellan. These boys are new inspiration to us as we strive to get the message of baby wellness, bonding, and development out to so many expecting moms, new parents, seasoned parents, caregivers, pediatricians, etc.

In November and December, we worked hard to provide comprehensive Facebook posts and blogs on surviving the holidays, how to help your child through the season, and, introduced the beginnings of our series/course on Buy This/Not That: navigating the big box stores, online retailers, to find the best for your baby!

*** Most importantly, a sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the families, followers, partners, and friends that we have had the pleasure of working with over this past year . . . whether at one of our classes, through our blog, or Facebook posts. If you like what you see, don’t forget to click “like” or “share” on Facebook! If you have things you would like to learn about, etc., PLEASE let us know in the comments section, via email, etc! This entire endeavor is for YOU – to support you and your family. Stay tuned to learn how we will be Moving, Playing, and Growing in 2013!!
Happy New Year! ~ Wendi and Rachel

The content on this website is based on Wendi’s personal and professional experience and general research. It is not meant for individual medical diagnosis or treatment. If you are concerned about your child, please consult with your primary physician and/or therapist.