Bonnie Compton

 Mothering with Courage

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BONNIE COMPTON, APRN, BC, CPNP, has worked with families for more than 30 years as a child and adolescent therapist, parent coach, and pediatric nurse practitioner. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of children by giving parents the tools to parent mindfully while inspiring them to wake up to what really matters to themselves and their family. Whether it is through individual therapy, coaching or parenting classes she offers, Bonnie believes that it is possible to make positive changes in any family situation---and it’s never too late! She is a speaker, workshop and retreat facilitator and hosts her own podcast radio program, Wholehearted Parenting Radio, which is available on iTunes, Web Talk Radio, Radioactive Broadcasting Network, and Stitcher Radio. Bonnie has appeared as a parenting expert on numerous television and radio shows, and has written parenting articles in magazines and newspapers. She is also a certified ScreamFree Parent Leader.

Bonnie lives in Charleston, SC with her husband. She is a mom of four adult children and believes that being a mother has been her most important job. She also loves being Gramma to her three beautiful granddaughters.

Bonnie's Free Gift: Why Kids Don’t Listen…5 Proven Steps to Motivate your Kids to Listen Now!
She will also be giving away 20 free copies (10 paperbacks and 10 audiobooks) of her newly released book, “Mothering with Courage” with a complimentary half-hour Parent Discovery Call.
Click for your free gift!

During our interview, here is what we discussed and shared:

  • EVERY parent wants to be a good parent, but we often get lost along the way
  • We parents really over-complicate the parenting thing.
  • We already have the answers within.
  • When you think back to your childhood, what ONE word would you use to describe it and what ONE word would you want your children to say?

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